Tuesday, December 8, 2009

BLOG #6: Why Men Can't Find A Good Woman... Or Fail To Commit When They Do...

OK... So, day before yesterday, my boyfriend and I were driving back pretty late from ATL. As we were on I-20 W, we were listening to V-103's own Joyce Littel talking about love and relationships. She had a guest author on the air as well and they were talking about, "why is it that men cannot find a good woman to commit to?" Adrian and I were kind of intrigued and turned up the volume. I thought to myself, "Hmmm... you don't usually hear this from the man's point of view, so this is going to be interesting."

Various callers called in and you heard a plethora of reasonings behind this mystery. One young man stated that woman today are too "stuck up" and independent and that some men have a hard time being "equally yoked" with a woman today. He said that these women, although they have their own are "gold diggers" and immediately begin to question a man's employment, living situations, question the car they drive and if they are highly educated.

A woman called in and said that it's because men are indecisive and have too many options out there in the world. Women outnumber men and men have a hard time coming to the realization that they are committing to be with only ONE WOMAN. (God forbid! *gasp* LOL!)

And one other guy's point was that men have a difficult time meeting and committing to "Ms. Right" because there are too many women out there that want to play mind games. He claimed that women are not brazen enough and that women don't want a real man, they want a man that reads minds. He said that men get tired of it and that women should be more willing to tell a man what she wants mentally, physically & emotionally, instead of giving weak hints...

What do you think? Why are men having a hard time finding a good woman? And why are they NOT committing when they do?

In my opinion, this topic could go on for days! But I'll sum it up like this. WOMEN are the REASON men CAN'T find a GOOD WOMAN... In a world of instantaneousness, both men and women want things NOW. Whatever happened to patience? These days women are bending over backwards to make themselves "shine" versus the other women out there. No one is willing to wait anymore. A lot of women today have sex with a man within the first week of meeting him. They invite a stranger into their homes or go into a strangers home way too quickly and are eager to either cook, clean or make love to a man to try to win his favor. When are women going to realize that she and every other "Tonya, Denise & Jane" is making the same great attempt, effort and MISTAKE! Because of us, these men have WAY TOO MANY OPTIONS and none of us are standing out from the rest. For example, if you aren't available to cook, clean or make love to him, he can whip out his iPhone and find plan B, C & D that will take good care of him that night. Why should they commit?! They've got a "farm full of cows and they're getting the milk for FREE."

Men are more than likely to commit to the woman that is not desperately throwing herself at him, attempting to use him (shout out to my "gold diggers") and to the woman that is not doing what EVERY other woman is doing for him. Ladies, please realize that we all think our COOKING, our CLEANING and our "Vah-Jay-Jay" (Vagina)/SEX is way better than the NEXT CHICK. It just ain't so! Someone out there will always be able to "burn" in the kitchen better than you, is so organized and clean it's insane (shout out to my girl Tyya!) and please believe, it's someone doing mind blowing, toe curling "tricks" in the bedroom, you've never even heard of...

So, what's a girl to do? Be true to yourself. I'm almost willing to bet that a man can appreciate a woman more that is genuine, knows who she is, knows what she wants out of life, speaks very openly about her ideals and thoughts, is secure with who she is (and not worried about the next girl), knows how to laugh, have fun and it would help if you enjoyed the game of football, at least a little bit. LOL!

I can only speak from my experiences. And if I had to say what made my boyfriend commit to me, I would honestly say it was because I know how to kick back, laugh and enjoy the simpler things in life. I'm wasn't searching for an "ATM" or a man that was going to cater to my every need. I waited for a man that shared the same ideals as me, similar views on the future, has a great sense of humor and someone I can "battle" through the hard times with and still feel TRIUMPHANT in the midst of a storm.

So ladies, stop trying to overly nurture and pamper a man. If not you'll end up with a spoiled and lazy man that doesn't feel the need to participate in the growth of you all's relationship. More than likely, he'll just kick back and enjoy the ride. NO GOOD.

Men, humble yourselves. Stop wasting your time on "fly by nights..." You're letting some good women slip through your fingers all because you want to be "Prince Akeem" and "Sow your royal oats"... That's TV. This is reality. We're not getting any younger people. And one day, when you're up in age, your looks and "sexy" body will not be existent or important. It'll be all about companionship, knowing and trusting the person you spend the rest of your life with and LOVE.

Fellas, just don't get too complacent. Ladies, be true to yourself. Both need to learn how to take the time to hear each other out. And the mentality of "what can you do for me?" should not be a focal point in the process of learning about someone. In the technique of getting to know a GOOD MAN or WOMAN, everything NOT being about you, must come into play very early in the game.


Where are my gentlemen? I want to hear your thoughts.


"A good woman is proud. She respects herself and others. She is aware of who she is. She neither seeks definition from the person she is with, nor does she expect them to read her mind. She is quite capable of articulating her needs."


  1. Another good blog Jemia!! I have personally quit looking. It has been a waste of time and effort so I have just let it go and ill let pray about it and let God send her into my life when he feels im ready for her. I think a lot of people's mistake is rushing into things and then both people feel that they have made a mistake and then take their anger out on their next relationship. I think a lot of us are caught up on image and not the quality of the people we choose. If she isnt thick in all the right places or if he isnt tall and built people dont even look twice. If we all realize that nobody is perfect and that everybody has their faults I think relationships would be healither today. I read the other day in a magazine at work that about 47% of marriages end up in divorce. That is an awful stat to have and maybe that is because we are caught up in image and not in the quality of person we are with. That is my opinion anyway.

  2. Well said Jason! Continue to be true to who you are and when you least suspect it, she'll be standing right in front of you!

  3. I agree with Jason in that God needs to be a part of the equation. However, as a woman, I have noticed that several of my peers are confused as to what they want opposed to what they need. You need someone who has a strong spiritual foundation, with dreams and goals of their own, yet there are some women who think a man is going to come in like a knight in shining armor and rescue her from her "situation" when life does not work like that. A male friend of mine told me when I was younger I am not who men date, I am the one they marry (that does not help the siutation), and that put some things in perspective. I am happy that the people I encounter think I am one of a kind (opposed to one in a million, you know there are a lot of people in the world) and that I can stand out. I am of the opinion that if you focus on being who you need to be and give it to God the rest will fall into place. I also think it takes life experience to understand what is important. You have to go through some things to understand that being a "gold digger" will only get you just that something material and that will fade. At the end of the day if you sell yourself cheap you get bought cheap. As a woman you have to know your value and both parties need to bring something to the table other than utensils.


  4. it is the women that are at fault for this, because there are many of us straight men that do want to meet the right good woman for us now. the problem is, many women are very nasty and have a very bad attitude problem as well. not too mention, many of the women out there today are lesbians and obviously hate men too. where are the good women for the men today? cannot certainly blame ourselves for the women that turned out this way now.
