Tuesday, December 30, 2014
BLOG #23: What Are You Leaving Behind In 2014?
Here's my list...
• I'm leaving behind negative people who always see the pessimistic side of things in a situation. Especially those who are constantly speaking negativity over others. Life is so much better when you make a strong effort to stay positive.
• I'm leaving behind trying to explain myself to those that I respect and love. If you don't get it, don't get why, or don't get me, that's OK. But I don't owe anyone an explanation at this point in my life. But I still love you though... lol.
• I'm leaving behind people who only come around when it benefits them. But as soon as you do something they don't like, or things don't go their way, they totally forget about all that you've done for them. Instead of solving the problem, they fixate on one small issue, and turn their back on you.
• I'm leaving behind over-extending myself to people who have a sense of self-entitlement and don't appreciate my time and efforts. First time, shame on them. Second time, shame on me, for being too nice.
• I'm leaving behind those who don't express how they REALLY feel. It really frustrates me to hear from others how someone else feels. Especially when that person could have expressed those sentiments directly to the source involved. Face your issues and problems head on, deal with them directly... Leave others and the messy drama out of it.
• I'm leaving behind those who cast stones and hide their hands. If I do something wrong and you ask me, I'll admit it. But nothing irks me more than people who disrespect you or try to throw you under the bus, then smile in your face. My tolerance for this kind of stuff is at an all time low.
These are the kinds of people and situations that I will be avoiding in 2015, due to my experiences that took place in 2014.
Who or what are you leaving behind in 2014???
My hopes and wishes is that 2015 will be AWESOME for us all!
Friday, June 20, 2014
BLOG #23: What About The Husbands???
I had a good talk with a friend today and we discussed some interesting points. As a society we tend to praise mothers, good fathers and even wives (anniversaries/Valentine's Day are usually aimed more towards the wife). But how often do you see husbands being praised? As a new wife, I am teaching myself to not only pat myself on the back when accomplishing wifely duties, but always praising my husband for his support, efforts and sacrifices. While discussing our thoughts with my friend, I came across these thought-provoking "wife" quotes.

"We judge ourselves by our intentions. We judge our spouses by their actions."
"Marriage is meant to be more about your surrender than about your satisfaction."
"Don’t let another day go by where the health of your relationship is sacrificed for a false sense of peace."
"You might think that you have all of the answers and need to protect your husband from making the wrong choice, but nagging, pouting, losing your temper and complaining aren’t going to make him a better man."
"Never think that you are doing your children a favor by prioritizing them over your husband."
"A child-centered marriage is a recipe for disaster. Teach children early that their “happiness” is not Mom or Dad’s reason for living."
Do any of these quotes hit close to home? How often do we forget that our husbands are human as well and have feelings too. None of us are perfect. Your spouse is your life partner, not your child, treat them as such. Sometimes our complaints and irritations towards our husbands can be a deflection from our own insecurities and the changes we need to make within ourselves. Before desecrating him in front of your children, your family, your friends or in public, STOP, THINK AND PRAY. Always remember that actions and words can be forgiven, but they are rarely forgotten.
Ladies, cherish your husbands. Focus on what they do right and what they do good for you. So often we fixate on all of the negativity and we forget to praise them. Society forgets to praise them. All husbands are not great, but neither are all wives... Before you point the finger and place the blame, look at yourself in the mirror first. Then rediscover the feelings, the emotions, the love and the happiness that made you want to marry him in the first place.

[ out the trash, keeps up the yard, washes our cars, maintains our cars, pumps my gas, goes grocery shopping, massages my feet after HE has worked for 12 hours, etc. This list could go on and on. While I do most of the stuff listed above as well, there are SO MANY times when I don't have to worry or lift a finger because he tells me, "I've got it," with a smile. Thank you Mr. Storey for making me feel loved, making me feel beautiful and making me feel complete. I love you Baby!
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On Our Wedding Day ~ November 2, 2013 |
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Once we were settled in our suite, we took a stroll around Chinatown and then made our way to Pulino's and had some authentic Italian pizza. After taking in our surroundings for a couple of hours, we decided we wanted to walk over the Brooklyn bridge. It was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. (I stopped writing this blog in September of 2011)
Apparently I didn't complete this blog. And it's now 2014. LOL. Bad BLOGGER.
Long story short, our experience in NYC was one of our best memories. The photo shoot was magical and the people were awesome. The exact location of our photo shoot was in the same studio that Beyoncé filmed her "Love On Top" video. Being a Beyoncé fan I thought that was totally awesome! Ha! So... We enjoyed our "15 minutes of fame," we even signed a few magazines (yes, seriously, people asked us for our autographs. lol.), and look forward to telling our kids and grandkids about us being in TWO national magazines and our trip to New York.
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011
BLOG #19: "Social Networking: What's Too Much Information About Your Relationship?"

As a woman who PROUDLY proclaims my love for my significant other on here, it has nothing to do with me being FAKE, BOASTFUL or intending to inflict HURT on anyone...
#1 If any woman feels bad about what I post about my relationship and what my significant other has purchased me... they might need to check themselves and their self-esteem. I haven't been in a relationship all of my life, and therefore know what it's like to watch my friends who were happily dating, engaged, married, etc. when I had NO ONE. I never took it personally. I just celebrated their happiness and knew that MY TIME WOULD COME.
#2 On the contrary, what I do post on here... whether it be about what he and I are doing together, what I gave him, or what he gave me is NOT posted with the intentions to make ANYONE FEEL BAD. I'm just celebrating my happiness and proclaiming it to the world. I'm entitled to do that. It's not everyday that you find THE ONE, or YOUR SOULMATE. SO... I'm seizing the moment and rejoicing in the love I have found. NOT TO BRAG. BUT TO CHERISH EVERY SECOND OF THIS MOMENT, I MAY NEVER GET AGAIN.
#3 Be careful as to perceive things so negatively. You'd be surprised how many single women express genuine HAPPINESS and JOY on here for my positive relationship. Telling me that they LOVE to see the posts and pictures about us because it gives them hope that a GOOD MAN does exist, and that they will find their "Prince." I've received inbox messages for days to show you that not ALL women are hurt, or intimidated by another woman's happiness.
#4 If you think that women like myself who share certain details on their relationship on social networks is FAKE... so be it. Rest assure, ever flower, piece of jewelry or outfit I get from him is accepted with genuine love... To broadcast it or NOT is my choice. But it doesn't mean that the woman is not use to receiving things. It's just a choice of her being OPEN or not. I've had a few of my friends tell me that they enjoy seeing the things I get or give... because it gives them ideas of what they could get their boyfriend or husband. And some of my single friends have said it's taught them to believe that there are men out there willing to do nice things for them. So I definitely disagree...
#5 As far as a man being "taken" based off of the posting of his girlfriend's Facebook page is funny to me. It's about being confident in your relationship and trusting your partner. Females can try 24/7 to get his attention, but what we have is faith based, strong and SOLID. Only a weak man will accept the advances of another woman, when he knows what he has is TRUE, TRUSTWORTHY and fits the description of the woman he's always dreamed of... CONFIDENCE in what you have goes a long way. I'm not worried. *shrugs*
#6 To each his own. What people choose to do in their lives, or on their FB walls or Twitter pages, is a personal choice. You don't have to like it, or you can love it... You can turn your head, or you can LOOK. It really is that simple. But never ASSUME why someone is doing what they're doing... I've experienced a lot in my life (the verbally abusive, emotionally abusive, being used because I was too nice or naive) and flaunting my relationship is not what I'm doing. YOU DON'T KNOW MY STORY. OR MY WALK IN LIFE. OR WHY I'M SO DAMN HAPPY ABOUT FINDING MY TRUE LOVE. My intentions are to give hope and be proof that true love does still exists. And I've had plenty of friends to prove that my point is being taken the way I intended; in a positive manner. NOT NEGATIVELY OR TO HURT SOMEONE. I know what it's like to want love, desire love and feel like it's never going to come. I just chose to stay positive and celebrate my friends good fortune when they got engaged, started a new relationship, got married... instead of being jealous hearted or envious.
#7 Be mindful that on facebook and/or Twitter, you're dealing with MANY different personalities and characteristics... What you might see as drastic or over the top is just an "OPEN MINDED" person's way of expressing themselves. Not everyone feels that they have to be PRIVATE & "hush hush" about EVERY single aspect or detail of their life. Respect people for who they choose to be, and share about their life, even if you don't get it.
#8 At the end of the day. If you don't like like what someone is posting, or disagree with it... there's always the delete/block button. Make the choice NOT to see it. People are NOT going to change who they are, or what they post, just for YOU.
Just my two cents..."
Thursday, December 16, 2010
BLOG #18: "GOOD MEN: They DO Exist"

J. S. this one's for you ;)
Many women often complain that all the GOOD men are either in serious relationships or married. Women also tend to categorize men as a power hungry, self-absorbed, money obsessed, physically abusive and sexually driven species. In some cases, this is indeed true, but there are many men who live in contrast to these stereotypes. While much is made of the fact that women suffer all types of abuse from men, so many good men, with compassionate and loving hearts, have had their lives turned upside down because of the actions of their wife, girlfriend or significant other. Unfortunately, their stories often go untold. Until now:
A self-proclaimed "Good Man" stated this:
"There ARE good guys out there... Trouble is, women just let us slip right under the radar, because we're not "fun", meaning: loud, obnoxious, arrogant, well-known around town, cocky, or cause a bunch of unnecessary drama.
Some good men, may be a little quieter, shyer, maybe sometimes a little awkward. But I'll tell you one thing we have that the cocky jerk doesn't have... A heart. Good guys that are in relationships for the right reasons, let ourselves be vulnerable like anyone in love should. It's too bad that many women are so used to being with "Mr. Tough Guy" (or some guy that can't even respect himself, let alone his girl) that they don't see the value in our "Good Guy" characteristics.
Instead, it's a lot of good guys getting labeled as "lame" or "weird" because of our good nature and putting ourselves out there. Any REAL man will show his emotions, especially to the one he loves. It's not about being "Mr. Macho" or looking for someone to "fix" because they have a million issues. It's about finding someone that is ALREADY good enough for you and that you can be vulnerable around each other and trust each other and be emotional together. To me that would be the greatest relationship.
The sad thing is, a lot of people don't know what it means to LOVE. All the world seems to know anymore is LUST. It's in our music, our entertainment, LUST is sadly, glorified in our society and it has an effect on most. LOVE is something different.
Do good guys exist? Most certainly... You just need to open your heart to new and different things/people/etc. It's a shame a lot of GREAT MEN, with GOOD AND CARING HEARTS have to wait around a while for love. Women wanting a good man, are most definitely missing out because they tolerate so much from men who could care less about them. But I guess there's a time and a place for everything."
With that being said, so many women have it in their head that they only like "ONE KIND" of man. What if that kind of man, just isn't good for you? Ladies, more than likely, the man that you LEAST suspect, is the perfect man for you. You just never know. Stop chasing men that have a KNOWN reputation for being a "womanizer" and has screwed half of the city. Stop going after men that you know for a FACT is not compatible with you and will NOT treat you the way that you deserve to be treated. Stop running up behind men that you know ONLY wants you for one thing... SEX. Stop pursuing that married man that cheats on his wife constantly... Do you really think he won't do it to you to?!! *shaking my head*
And when did it become a bad thing for a man to want to spend most of his free time with his significant other? But is accepted more by his peers when he chooses to leave her at home, lonely, so he can get drunk with a bunch of guys? Ladies trust me, a GOOD MAN, will NEVER leave you alone all of the time, so that he can get "plastered," hang-out or go clubbin' with his buddies. A good man knows how to balance both worlds between his love-life and his friends, and won't let anyone stop him or patronize him for wanting to spend time with you and/or take care of your needs.
One thing I've always told my friends, if you want a GOOD MAN, you've got to be a GOOD WOMAN. So ask yourself that, do you TRULY possess the caring, nurturing, giving, selfless, team player characteristics that most GOOD WOMEN have? So before you can get a good man, you have to check yourself first. Think about it, most women who are selfish, materialistic, are known for being promiscuous and/or all about SELF first, are rarely seen in stable, LOVING relationships. So, sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself. Are YOU a good woman?
If so, value yourself more, open your eyes a little wider to new and different things, and a man you NEVER looked at in "that way" just may be the GOOD MAN you've been praying about. Stop cutting off your options and limiting yourself to what you THOUGHT was your kind of man. If you're dating a guy that thinks it's cowardly or feminine for a man to express his true feelings to his significant other, HE'S NOT THE ONE. A man that is able to be open with you and tell you how he really feels is the sure signs of a possible GOOD MAN. Give him a chance!
See ladies, good men are out there, and they are looking for loving, nurturing and committed relationships just as women are. However, as is the case for many women, they must battle the "ghosts" and insecurities that exist from previous relationships, and this makes it difficult for them to obtain, and maintain, a healthy and stable relationship. All that the good men out there want is to love and be loved, and in some cases they are more than willing to provide love, financial support and guidance to children that are not biologically theirs. In this day and age, where character and values are at the low end of the spectrum for many men, that speaks volumes!
There is no question that some men are heartless bastards, but there are also men who believe in having good, long-term, monogamous relationships and fight to maintain them. These men should be acknowledged, appreciated and respected. Contrary to popular belief, all men are NOT the same.
Ladies, if you've got yourself a good man, be happy and proud that he found you! And those that desire a good man, he's out there, don't give up. Be mindful of that nice guy or gentleman that you turned your nose up to... Pray, God knows the desires of your heart! And be sure you're open to new changes and new kinds of people.
Special acknowledgement to my other half (ACS), that has proven to be a GREAT MAN and loves me the way I deserve to be. And I also want to show love to the GOOD MEN out there, waiting patiently for the opportunity to be that good man and provider that you know you are. She's out there. You've just got to make her OPEN HER EYES a little wider! Good luck!