Tuesday, December 30, 2014

BLOG #23: What Are You Leaving Behind In 2014?

What are you leaving behind in 2014 and changing in 2015? 

Here's my list...

• I'm leaving behind negative people who always see the pessimistic side of things in a situation. Especially those who are constantly speaking negativity over others. Life is so much better when you make a strong effort to stay positive.

• I'm leaving behind trying to explain myself to those that I respect and love. If you don't get it, don't get why, or don't get me, that's OK. But I don't owe anyone an explanation at this point in my life. But I still love you though... lol.

• I'm leaving behind people who only come around when it benefits them. But as soon as you do something they don't like, or things don't go their way, they totally forget about all that you've done for them. Instead of solving the problem, they fixate on one small issue, and turn their back on you.

• I'm leaving behind over-extending myself to people who have a sense of self-entitlement and don't appreciate my time and efforts. First time, shame on them. Second time, shame on me, for being too nice.

• I'm leaving behind those who don't express how they REALLY feel. It really frustrates me to hear from others how someone else feels. Especially when that person could have expressed those sentiments directly to the source involved. Face your issues and problems head on, deal with them directly... Leave others and the messy drama out of it.

• I'm leaving behind those who cast stones and hide their hands. If I do something wrong and you ask me, I'll admit it. But nothing irks me more than people who disrespect you or try to throw you under the bus, then smile in your face. My tolerance for this kind of stuff is at an all time low.

These are the kinds of people and situations that I will be avoiding in 2015, due to my experiences that took place in 2014.

Who or what are you leaving behind in 2014???

My hopes and wishes is that 2015 will be AWESOME for us all!


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